
Showing posts from March, 2017

Nintendo Switch Launch - Or Why I Was Happy To Spend 14 Hours In The Freezing Cold

     Nintendo had been advertising for months that on January 12, 2017 we'd finally start getting some details about the new platform they'd been working on as a successor to the Wii U - codenamed "NX".  Hopes and hype were high, and, of course, most of the important details leaked in the days leading up to the reveal.  We learned that the console was a portable/home console hybrid and that its official name would be "Switch".  It was a closely guarded secret what day it would launch and what its price would be.      The big Switch reveal was broadcast worldwide, so in order to allow maximum viewership, it was done late that night, ending just prior to midnight CST.  The Switch would launch on March 3rd and cost $300.      No game system is really worth anything without quality games, and Nintendo made sure one of the launch titles was from the Zelda series - one of their two biggest properties and practically guaranteed t...