
Showing posts from February, 2018

SNES 1-Chip + THS7374 = I Never Knew What I Was Missing

Is it okay to say you grew up poor if you know there were a lot of people who grew up poorer than you did?  You're right, it is what it is. When the SNES came out, I was obsessed with it.  The financial disposition of my family did nothing to diminish my passion, and I was the king of delayed gratification.  It is an odd coincidence that like my first NES, I received my first SNES while my family was utterly without a TV.  The first time first time I played it, I did so by connecting the audio portion of the multi-out to a stereo I had recycled from somewhere.  I popped in Super Mario World, and listened to the opening sequence.  I hit the start button and mashed random buttons until the game started and I could hear Mario jump.  I started trying to time my jumps by counting the seconds between the stage music starting and the sound of Mario dying.  It was crude, and I have no idea how far I managed to get or what stage I might have been on. ...