NES Dejitter

When choosing my "modern" TV, I did a lot of research and comparison and wound up with the very excellent KDL-70R550A which has so far supported everything I have thrown at it. Every console via the OSSC just works, every scaling mode, every oddball resolution, every janky sync signal, everything. A few weeks ago, I installed an NESRGB on an NES for a friend. He was using an OSSC to scale it to his PC monitor and a Panasonic Plasma, but could never get better than 2x. He wasn't terribly concerned as those were stopgaps until his "real" gaming TV arrived. Unfortunately the TV he bought couldn't tolerate the NES's irregular sync signal. Fiddling with OSSC settings made it possible to display in 5x mode, but it would randomly lose sync. Some Background Others have analyzed and explained it far better than I, but the gist of the problem my friend was having was because of a design flaw in the original NES/SNES video output. CRT televisions were cons...