Turn an NES Controller into a ColecoVision Controller without Destroying it

Be nice - this is the first PCB I've ever designed and the first time I've ever used KiCad. After my previous article fiddling around with modding a cheap aftermarket NES Classic controller to work with the ColecoVision, I decided to take things a step further and make something people might actually want to use. It turned out much better than I could ever have expected. The upshot is that it also works perfectly for the Atari 2600 as the two systems share a common wiring scheme. (The Sega Master System also has some wiring in common with the Atari and ColecoVision so the direction buttons and the #1 button work, but #2 button does not work on the SMS) Making this was also a great opportunity to learn how to use KiCad. There's an amazingly helpful set of videos on YouTube from Contextual Electronics called "Getting to Blinky" that tells you almost everything you need to know. So what I came up with was a replacement PCB that could be used in a standa...