Satiator (Saturn Drive Emulator) Review

Introduction After a multi-year wait, despite half of Australia (where it's creator lives) burning down and a global panic over COVID-19 dragging everything to a crawl the Satiator has finally made it to a retail release. For the unfamiliar, the Satiator is an Optical Drive Emulator (ODE) for the Sega Saturn game console. In a nutshell it lets you play Saturn games from solid-state storage (an SD card) rather than the Saturn's CD drive. The Competition When the Satiator was first announced there was only (technically) one competing product on the market; Deunan's Rhea/Phoebe ODE products. During its 3-year long incubation, two other contenders have made it to market. The first is the Fenrir by CED which is very similar in design to the Rhea/Phoebe and easily the least expensive option. The second is the MODE by TerraOnion which costs considerably more than the other two but provides better options and presentation. I don't own the other devices ...