
Showing posts from December, 2020

FM Towns and the Capcom Power Stick Fighter PC Adapter (CPSF-PCアダプター)

In 1994, Capcom released a relatively faithful arcade port of Super Street Fighter II  for the FM Towns personal computer.  Years ago I downloaded a CD image, burned it to a CD-R and tried it out.  It was a huge disappointment.  Not only did the game run at a completely unplayable half speed on my FM-Towns 20F (with 8MB of RAM), my FM-Towns gamepad proved to be totally inadequate for a fast-paced fighting game - it seems to be physically impossible to throw a Hadouken fireball with it. The "stock" FM Towns game pad - it's practically impossible to play Super Street Fighter II with this. Earlier this year someone pointed out to me that the "half-speed" issue can be resolved simply by changing the option "Raster Mode" from "On" to "Off".  This does indeed allow the game to run at full speed and made me feel like a complete idiot for never coming across that little tip before. I'm also a bit baffled as to why this setting would be ...