
Showing posts from September, 2024

Transformers: The Movie: The Sticker Album

It seems like human nature to often place a higher value on the things we missed out on than the ones we experienced.  At least that's how I try to explain my fixation with the Transformers: The Movie and the things surrounding it.  When I was growing up going to see a movie in the theater, even the drive-in, was a rare treat that we only had at the best of times.  1986 was a particularly tumultuous year. As cathartic as it would be to explain why, I'll spare the reader and just say it wasn't practical for me to see The Transformers: The Movie in the theater.  One thing I did have access to, however, was the Diamond sticker album that told the story in still images.  These were relatively cheap and sold in grocery and convenience stores all over the country. After putting a couple dozen stickers into mine, I lost track of it during one of many subsequent moves, and promptly forgot all about it.  A couple of years ago my memory was jogged when I came across a picture of the