Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks the Internet!
If the internet isn't careful, Chuck Norris might just have to give it a roundhouse kick to the face. And then where would we all be? I've been hearing a lot of really funny un-facts about Chuck Norris lately, things like: When Chuck Norris sends does his taxes he sends in blank forms with a picture of himself crouched and ready to attack. Chuck Norris has never had to pay taxes...ever There are about a million more, everything to Chuck roundhouse kicking his wife to curing blindness and then roundhouse kicking the formerly blind man. I even got into the fun and made up some of my own like: Chuck Norris was once shot in the abdomen by a 10-gauge round at point blank range while drinking a glass of water. The slug fell to the floor and Chuck finished drinking without spilling a drop. He was disappointed, however because his lawyers refused to let him use video footage of the incident to advertise the "Total Gym" exercise machine like he had intended. "Result...