Video Games: What is the _real_ release date? Part 1

I went out to buy three games that were supposed to be released today, and none of them are available. I double-checked the release dates with, with the publishers, and with - they all say the games are available today. Why is it that I can never go out and buy a game on the release date?

I've been told by a couple of EB and Best Buy managers that what gets published as a "Release Date" is actually the date a product ships. This seems a little silly to me because, quite simply, if I can't buy something on that date and take it home and hug it (hugging is optional) then it's not really "out" yet. Do game companies have so little respect for consumers like me that they feel they can make a promise like a release date and then not make good on it? (I'm not talking about release dates that are pushed back. I'm talking about ones that aren't - Mega Man X Collection for example)

I don't even care that the games come out when they come out, I just want the damn things to be there when the game studios say they're gonna be there. So, I'm gonna mosey on over to Square, Capcom, and XseeD games' websites and see if I can't find a complaint form somewhere...stay tuned


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