2020 Adventures in OG XBOX
This chronicles my most recent adventures with the original XBOX console. The first half describes soft-modding, the second describes hard-modding, and I make some comparison along the way. Softmod - the First Go-Around A little over a year and a half ago, on a lark, I decided that I wanted to softmod an original XBOX and plunk in a big hard drive with "all teh gamez". As a collector, I don't generally mod the complete-with-box consoles I collect because modding tends to reduce their value, at least I know it would for me so I expect it would for others as well. So I went to a local game shop and asked if they had any. Turns out they had one, and knowing nothing about XBOX variations at the time, I bought it. The Softmod+HDD Upgrade Process Performing the soft mod was fun and educational. After sifting through what felt like a hundred guides ranging all the way back to the mid 2000's I finally settled on JRocky5's softmodding kit as it seems to be the only ...